Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Climbing the Mountain of Technolgy: For Better Or For Worse?

Have you ever seen a young child play with a cell phone? I find it kind of shocking and a little weird that they know the features so well. It's like they automatically treat cell phones as a toy. Forget the toy trucks and baby dolls. Every time I spend time with any of my nephews, first thing they go for is to play with my iPhone. When I cave in and hand it over, they'll know right away how to navigate through my apps to pick the one they're going to play. Others phones really do not have the same excitement from little ones. I still can't figure out why it is so they love it so much and would prefer it over so many other types of toys, books, and even other electronics.

And they don't care about the iPhone's downfalls. The iPhone in the lives of children is, in my opinion, is not right. Especially when that is the only medium they are being influenced to use on a daily basis. It's important for a child's development to do more then just sit hunched over playing on an iPhone or iPod touch. I think also with the iPad just coming out that the interest in Apple will greatly increase. The iPad will most likely take over without any real competition and will completely change children's culture. I feel like when I am the older people in society I will look down the street and every child will be on an iPad type of device. Kind of frightening to think about that possibility. But it is a possible truth. Many of the creators of these devices travel around the world persuading communities on why is a "necessity" to own this technology.

It will be nice to see the positive changes that this new technology will make to the media, education, and public relations, but I just do not want to see other mediums and extracurricular activities suffer because of these new inventions.

Children will be designing their own apps from an early age. Since the tablet will be such a part of their lives, they won’t be intimidated by the technology.

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We will always be climbing the mountain of new technology. Will we ever feel like we've really reached the top What is there to expect after you do reach that peak? Until then children will be playing with technology likes Apple's today and in the future just how children use to play games with marbles in the past.