Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Climbing the Mountain of Technolgy: For Better Or For Worse?

Have you ever seen a young child play with a cell phone? I find it kind of shocking and a little weird that they know the features so well. It's like they automatically treat cell phones as a toy. Forget the toy trucks and baby dolls. Every time I spend time with any of my nephews, first thing they go for is to play with my iPhone. When I cave in and hand it over, they'll know right away how to navigate through my apps to pick the one they're going to play. Others phones really do not have the same excitement from little ones. I still can't figure out why it is so they love it so much and would prefer it over so many other types of toys, books, and even other electronics.

And they don't care about the iPhone's downfalls. The iPhone in the lives of children is, in my opinion, is not right. Especially when that is the only medium they are being influenced to use on a daily basis. It's important for a child's development to do more then just sit hunched over playing on an iPhone or iPod touch. I think also with the iPad just coming out that the interest in Apple will greatly increase. The iPad will most likely take over without any real competition and will completely change children's culture. I feel like when I am the older people in society I will look down the street and every child will be on an iPad type of device. Kind of frightening to think about that possibility. But it is a possible truth. Many of the creators of these devices travel around the world persuading communities on why is a "necessity" to own this technology.

It will be nice to see the positive changes that this new technology will make to the media, education, and public relations, but I just do not want to see other mediums and extracurricular activities suffer because of these new inventions.

Children will be designing their own apps from an early age. Since the tablet will be such a part of their lives, they won’t be intimidated by the technology.

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We will always be climbing the mountain of new technology. Will we ever feel like we've really reached the top What is there to expect after you do reach that peak? Until then children will be playing with technology likes Apple's today and in the future just how children use to play games with marbles in the past.

Monday, April 12, 2010

To Be or Not to Be.....In a Music Video?

Anyone can be choreographed to dance, airbrushed to appear flawless, and have their voice digitally altered in a music video. All an artist has to to do is spread enough of there music over the internet and cross there fingers that it gets passed around enough to land on the screen in front of the right person. Videos passed over the web although the most common way to be discovered, are not always the way someone gets heard. For example making singles and traveling on tour have created people in the past.
But what comes after the initial discovery of that specific artist. The make or break point that's what. Some take that less aggressive approach and stay low key while retaining fans and followers, but some go full force with doing whatever they can so every American individual knows exactly who they are. The competition between musical artist is fierce and thrives on the fast pace of the websites that promote there videos, music, and image. The artist will make that decision of how they want to reveal themselves to the world, whether its wearing less and less clothing one video after the next or making there our edits of their own lifestyles. People are always observing and continuously tuning in to "what's next?".

A not so well known artist that I personally love, Mieka Pauley can not even be found on Limewire because she chooses not to show up in videos that would misrepresent what she believes. She is very independent and does not have to flaunt herself through sex appeal visual music videos. She has a genuine talent of singing because her voice is unique. She does not appear to have any desire to make unnecessary large amounts of money. Along with Mieka the few others who are attempt to stay out of the media spotlight all seem content with what they have made by release her albums and going to perform small shows. I honestly think they do it for the art of music and not the celebrity status, fame, or fortune.

The internet does help promote low key artist music, but not through dancing ad additional edits. All artists always start out with some raw talent then comes the two syllable word that takes control of there way of thinking, MONEY! They no what draws the attention there way so they do it. Sexy lyrics, dancing, and outfits have the fans coming straight back to their computers to Youtube there next video.
"A recent report by tracking firm Visible Measures found that nine out of the ten most "viral" videos in 2009 were music-related (the one exception was a film trailer). As such, music videos have been a tremendous vehicle for promoting acts"

It's setting in throughout its users like a contagious disease. Why would someone buy an album when they can pull up the music for free? Sites like these make money for themselves and sponsors, but unfortunately destroy and chance record companies have in prospering in the future. Not that the radio will diminish, but mp3 players have substantially override the majority of hit music stations. It's competition, and sadly in today's world the bigger dog the the mot money and power wins while the weak ones struggle and slowly get left behind in the shadows.

Monday, March 22, 2010

The Healthcare Bill

Tonight the hot topic on both the Ed Schultz show and Keith Olbermann's Countdown was all about the healthcare bill that was passed on Sunday night. While Keith Olbermann kept and very laid back demeanor with some assertive facial expressions towards the republicans, Schultz was very happy and excited with a constant smile on his face while making his Liberal remarks. Both of these commentators are pro Obama and 100% support the new bill that was passed. Schultz made comments like, “Americans love winners and Obama is a winner” and that “we are moving in the correct direction” to agree with the democrats who supported this bill. Keith Olbermann looked at both sides and compared them as he added his own opinion. Even though Olbermann had his own opinion on each topic, he pulled facts from historic events similar to the issues we are currently facing to support his reasoning. Olbermann does make remarks that would be disrespectful to some people, but he always remains calm and does not like to shout just to try to get his point across and when the debate. Both commentators mentioned the republicans would need 113 to prove a veto bill, and followed saying that with smirks that a veto would be unlikely come November of this year.
Olbermann’s show only had a few guests come on, but the people who did comment all represented different sides of the debate while The Ed Show had an abundance of guest appear but all had one general opinion. Olbermann showed a brief clip from McCain while he shared his point of view saying “we” are going to repeal this. Versus James Clyburn which stated he believed the bill is already signed sealed and delivered. Also other popular political commentators that were featured included, Laurence O’Donnell, David Frum on the Olbermann countdown and Howard Dean, Steve McMahon, Ron Christie, and Jennifer Donahue where briefly asked their opinions on the current events on The Ed Show. Congressman George Miller from San Francisco showed his support by commenting “This legislation will create jobs”. The Ed Show only revealed the strong commentary of all democrats that were for Obama creating the change he’s promising and for the healthcare bill. This was very onesided to only show one point of view.
Besides the healthcare reform, sports, the NCAA tournament, gay slurs, and racist remarks toward politicians occurring from the past week were all briefly reviewed. Steven A. Smith a radio show host was a guest on Schultz’s show and admits there are two sides Tiger Woods’ story, and states “he’s the best in the world he’ll make the cut”. Ed Schultz uses the emotional route to persuade viewers to engage in his opinion, “We are more about saving lives so people do not die”. Both Ed Schultz and Keith Olbermann are standing in belief that the healthcare bill will succeed. The bill is about morality isn’t it? The Ed Show post a text vote that asked viewers “Did the passage of the health bill renew your faith in president Obama’s leadership”, 91% said yes and 9% said no. I believe this only represents the type of viewer watching these commentaries. The Democrats are going to watch these two because they back up their opinion and believe the same opinions, suggestions, and comments. These shows are truly biased.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Reality Of Reality Television

Reality TV that we know started back in 1992 when MTV first broadcasted The Real World. It was an experimental show that took seven people from different backgrounds and placed them in a house to live together for several months and have their interactions filmed. An experiment? So this was a social experiment. The Real World can demonstrate to young adults what can a lifestyle like that can result in, both positives and negatives; I think the viewers can ask themselves the question of “would I really want to be in that situation?” If a young viewer is capable to ask themselves that question, it is only a yes or no answer. The audience can ether chose to mock the behavior or go against it. Some people even find the shows offensive. The Jersey Shore was commented on as being offensive towards Italians. It was so offensive that there are endless articles all over the internet about it. This show specifically generated media hype. Some company’s refused to have a part in The Jersey shore and ones like Domino’s Pizza and American Family Insurance pulled their ads from the show. Italian-American advocacy groups called for a boycott.
The individuals on reality TV are exaggerated to the tenth degree. But even the most common person in real life can be known to be dramatic and “fake”. So what’s the difference here? It draws attention to the person who is creating their abstract image. That is what they want because they went and auditioned for the show. They are instantly famous for being the one person on the show that does the most unheard of outrageous thing in that episode. Also, recently there have been cast members from Jersey Shore coming to Baltimore clubs. People really wanted to meet them in real life wasn’t the show enough. Now there over paying to get in a club just because they know they’re going to be their? What a way to make money.
Most people today would tell you that reality shows are harmless and that the television networks promote them because they draw ratings and advertising dollars. No matter what they are putting on TV it still will always influence whoever is sitting on the other side of that screen, the younger viewers especially. As long as there are people there are going to be reality TV shows. TV is a form of entertainment and for some these shows are laughing entertaining.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Dundalk Eagle Will Rise Above All!

If papers provide readers with news they can trust, they will always continue to be circulated. The Dundalk Eagle will specifically always survive. People look for local information more often than broad events. The Dundalk Eagle offers in depth reporting, comprehensive commentary and coverage on local school news, sports and recreation, the community calendar, classifieds, and much more. The audience is directly set to satisfy the readers of the local community. I interviewed a former editor of the Dundalk Eagle, Ann Booker which commented, "The reporters goal is to try to write objectively." For a long time The Dundalk Eagle was 25 cents, but just recently was raised to 50 cents. This price increase will most likely will have no impact at all on the number of people who purchase this paper. The quality of writing within this paper is outstanding. The writers have proven themselves to be very talented by winning many awards. Bill Gates, a writer who specializes in sports and recreation articles has especially won many awards for his intriguing columns.
SYDNEY Global media magnate Rupert Murdoch says doomsayers who are predicting the Internet will kill off newspapers are "misguided cynics" who fail to grasp that the online world is potentially a huge new market of information-hungry consumers. He said people now were "hungrier for information that ever before" and that papers have an edge over bloggers and other newcomers because they are more trusted by readers.
People buy this newspaper to stay connected and find out what's going on in their neighborhood with their family, friends, and sports teams. The huge advantage here is that this paper is community oriented. For example, the Dundalk Eagle will only print the people that are from Dundalk in the obituaries. Also, there is a section that posts pictures of people who took a picture with the Eagle while vacationing. This strongly encourages the reader to feel a sense of community and belonging. Ann Booker states, "Dundalk is a parochial community." They are a certain group of people that share many common interest and they are generally all in the same social class.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Magazine Covers Portraying A False Images and Ideas

After checking out all of the different magazine cover around the checkout counter I can honestly say they is not a single one that isn't targeting a specific audience. Each photograph on the front page has more than likely been edited and airbrushed. From These images are far from reality. But these companies want to make top dollar on their product, so what sells magazines? Juicy captions that hook a prospecting buyer to grab that magazine of the shelf faster than they can read the title of the magazine itself. Also let’s face it sex sells.
With the exception of the recipes and health magazines I could not find a single one that did not present that it was trying to gossip. Women are represented in a very specific way, the "what's hot and what's not" mentality explodes throughout every page. For men this is seen often too. Most of the front covers of magazines tend to be diverse which is another aspect of expanding its followers. Yes I say followers because people really do get hooked. The magazines that stood out to me had the famous people that I personally like because of their music or acting roles. I try to stay away from what I know are just ways to pull reader’s in, so these companies can make money. Personally I’d rather read a magazine that is a little more factual. The companies know what type of model to put on the front cover that will attract the prospecting reader. They have very fit bodies, bright smiles, nice hair, and life is oh so great. The women or man walking up to check out in the store walks up and that catches their eye because they say, “hey I wonder how my life would be different if I were like that guy”? Pure Curiosity. "...the majority of girls and women (96%) do not match up to the models and actresses presented in the media", according to Wow 96 %!
The headlines of magazines tap into the emotions of personal lives. “How I saved my son.” The advertising is catchy and directly designed to have a person turn the pages of that quick read. These headlines are a bit fearful to be because I’d rather be seeing more factual information that would educate people on real global issues. But instead there are probably more people that know the personal lives of celebrities then real world events happening today.