Monday, April 12, 2010

To Be or Not to Be.....In a Music Video?

Anyone can be choreographed to dance, airbrushed to appear flawless, and have their voice digitally altered in a music video. All an artist has to to do is spread enough of there music over the internet and cross there fingers that it gets passed around enough to land on the screen in front of the right person. Videos passed over the web although the most common way to be discovered, are not always the way someone gets heard. For example making singles and traveling on tour have created people in the past.
But what comes after the initial discovery of that specific artist. The make or break point that's what. Some take that less aggressive approach and stay low key while retaining fans and followers, but some go full force with doing whatever they can so every American individual knows exactly who they are. The competition between musical artist is fierce and thrives on the fast pace of the websites that promote there videos, music, and image. The artist will make that decision of how they want to reveal themselves to the world, whether its wearing less and less clothing one video after the next or making there our edits of their own lifestyles. People are always observing and continuously tuning in to "what's next?".

A not so well known artist that I personally love, Mieka Pauley can not even be found on Limewire because she chooses not to show up in videos that would misrepresent what she believes. She is very independent and does not have to flaunt herself through sex appeal visual music videos. She has a genuine talent of singing because her voice is unique. She does not appear to have any desire to make unnecessary large amounts of money. Along with Mieka the few others who are attempt to stay out of the media spotlight all seem content with what they have made by release her albums and going to perform small shows. I honestly think they do it for the art of music and not the celebrity status, fame, or fortune.

The internet does help promote low key artist music, but not through dancing ad additional edits. All artists always start out with some raw talent then comes the two syllable word that takes control of there way of thinking, MONEY! They no what draws the attention there way so they do it. Sexy lyrics, dancing, and outfits have the fans coming straight back to their computers to Youtube there next video.
"A recent report by tracking firm Visible Measures found that nine out of the ten most "viral" videos in 2009 were music-related (the one exception was a film trailer). As such, music videos have been a tremendous vehicle for promoting acts"

It's setting in throughout its users like a contagious disease. Why would someone buy an album when they can pull up the music for free? Sites like these make money for themselves and sponsors, but unfortunately destroy and chance record companies have in prospering in the future. Not that the radio will diminish, but mp3 players have substantially override the majority of hit music stations. It's competition, and sadly in today's world the bigger dog the the mot money and power wins while the weak ones struggle and slowly get left behind in the shadows.

1 comment:

  1. Yea i kno i wouldnt buy cd either if i didnt support the artist
